Kenneth Matsumura
CEO and Chairman of ALIN Foundation
Kenneth Matsumura, MD
CEO & Chairman of ALIN Foundation
Dr. Kenneth Matsumura is a world-renowned scientist that has dedicated his entire career to advancements in medicine. His advancements are only matched by his passion for social justice, equality, and charitable works. He developed SEF Chemo—a new cancer therapy that significantly reduces the side effects commonly associated with chemotherapy—and the Infectious Care Unit, which comfortably encloses infectious patients during treatment, ensuring infections remain safely contained. His bio-artificial liver earned him the title of Invention of the Year by Time Magazine, and his bio-artificial pancreas could eliminate a diabetic's need for daily insulin injections. Dr. Matsumura is so renowned and respected that his cancer therapy sailed through the FDA from laboratory studies to an approval of human trials in a record-breaking 4 days.
Dr. Matsumura began medical research at the age of 13, publishing his first paper on rapid skin-grafting techniques in 1961, at the age of 15. In 1962, he became the youngest person to ever receive a research grant from the American Lung Association. Renowned biologist Doctor Lola S. Kelly was so impressed by the young researcher's independent studies of transplantation biology that she arrange for him to study under her at the University of California's Donner Laboratory while he was still attending high school. Between 1962-1968, he received many research-training fellowships for studies at the University of California, Berkeley, where he completed his pre-medical studies. Dr. Matsumura received his doctorate in medicine at the University of California Medical School of San Francisco in 1970. He has been licensed to practice medicine and surgery since 1971. He’s a member of the American Medical Association, and has been cited in many biographical reference books, including the Marquis' Who's Who. His HeartAlarm Watch is cited in Bryan Bunch's The Timetables of Technology: A Chronology of the Most Important People and Events in the History of Technology.
Promoting a Kind & Just World
Dr. Matsumura is also deeply involved in philanthropic activities. With the assistance of the noted science educator Robert A. Rice, he established a science journal that publishes works from America's most promising young researchers. The magazine, Base: Journal of Science & Technology—later published online as Science21—has had on its advisory board such prominent educators as David Saxon, former President of the University of California and Chair of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and leading scientists like Carl Sagan and Nobelist Glenn Seaborg. A well-known civic figure, Dr. Matsumura was honored during the City of Berkeley's Centennial celebration. He is an honorary member of the Berkeley Rotary Club and a founding member of the San Francisco City Club. Dr. Matsumura has volunteered at West Oakland Health for over 45-years, dedicated to helping disadvantaged patients receive access to quality healthcare. Most recently, through our SEF Chemo Program, Dr. Matsumura collaborated with the Washoe Tribe, providing education to Native American nurses and youth interested in pursuing medical professions. A portion of the program’s revenue is shared with the Washoe Nation.