Dr. Matsumura is a world-renowned scientist. He invented the bio-artificial liver and the artificial pancreas—a collaboration with Johnson & Johnson and NASA. His bio-artificial liver has been acclaimed for being one of the Top 10 Most Important Inventions of the 21st Century in Medicine and Science, and he was honored by TIME Magazine as an Invention of the Year.
A graduate of the University of California Medical School in San Francisco, he is a member of the American Medical Association and numerous scientific societies, including the American Medical Association, California Medical Association, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
With a team of dedicated colleagues, Dr. Matsumura developed SEF Chemo, an innovative therapy that greatly reduces the side effects of chemotherapy.
An idealist at heart, Dr. Matsumura dedicates himself to a world without poverty, volunteering for over 45-years at local low-income clinics in the San Francisco Bay Area.