Medical innovation with the power to transform healthcare.
Our Medical Developments
Side Effect-Free Chemotherapy
After decades of research, our laboratory team developed SEF Chemo, a new therapy that negates the side effects of traditional chemotherapy, while making chemo more effective. Our hope is that one day the cure doesn't have to be worse than the disease.
Care Containment Unit
This unit was designed as a secure transparent capsule where patients can be treated comfortably without risk to health care professionals or other patients. It sanitizes all bio-hazard, reduces PPE demand, and allows patients to safely interact with family.
Bio-Artificial Liver
This device was designed to be used outside the body to sustain patients who are suffering from liver failure due to hepatitis, cirrhosis, or cancer. Millions of lives could be saved by this device annually. TIME magazine named it an Invention of the Year.
Bio-Artificial Pancreas
This device was designed to maintain blood sugar levels in diabetics. Some components were manufactured on the NASA Space Shuttle. There are over 537 million living with diabetes that could benefit from an implantable bio-artificial pancreas.
Fertility Tracker
This device was designed to apprise women of when they are ovulating. This novel device can aid women intending to become pregnant and be an alternative to current contraceptives available on the market today.
Heart Alarm Watch
This wristwatch warns it’s wearer an hour or more before a heart attack occurs, giving them time to seek medical attention. Designed to be worn by everyone over the age of 40, this device could prevent millions of heart attack annually worldwide.
“I believe that every life is valuable, that we can make things better, and that innovation is the key to a bright future. We’re just getting started.”
— Dr. Kenneth Matsumura, Chairman of ALIN Foundation